Text Editor Tool

Text Editor Tool

Online Word Editor Free

Case Converter

Word & Character Counter

Take control of your text editing and formatting with our versatile Text Editor Tool. This essential tool provides a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and styling text documents with ease. Whether you’re a writer, student, or professional, this tool is a valuable asset for all your text-related tasks. Write, modify, and format text with a wide range of features, including font styles, sizes, colors, alignment, and more.
Text Editor Tool

choose from various fonts for English, Hindi, and Bengali text.

Text Editor Tool

Now, users can select a language from the dropdown, and the text in the editor will be displayed with the appropriate font for the selected language.

Text Editor Tool

In this code, we have added several features to the text editor, including:

Formatting options (bold, italic, underline, and strike-through).
Font size customization.
Font color customization.
Background color customization.
Download option to save the text as a .txt file.

You can now use the buttons in the toolbar to apply various text formatting options and customize the font size, font color, and background color. The "Download .txt" button allows you to save the edited text as a .txt file.

The styling is done with Material Design CSS classes, and the layout is designed to be responsive, making it usable on laptop/desktop, tablets, and mobile devices.

Remember that this is a simplified text editor with basic features. If you need more advanced functionality, you can further extend and customize the code accordingly.
